This herb bed is my favorite part of the garden with an apple tree with three different graphs at the center, and oregano,marjoram, rosemary, chives, several types of thyme including varigated, lemon, turkish, common and pizza, american indian sage, chaste tree, yarrow, lemon balm, soap wort and winter savory all radiating out from the center. It also has a large chunk of Gaura lindheimeri or butterfly bush which is not a herb but it attracts birds and bees and looks so graceful with its long stems and small white or pink flowers |
The herb garden in winter..... |
Today, summer at dusk with a full moon rising... |
Gaura lindheimeri at dusk....
I have spent a great deal of my time in the garden, pulling weeds mostly. I had forgotten how good it feels to go out after breakfast in bare feet and dig my hands and feet into the earth and slowly bring order to my small patch of paradise. Many things need to be cut back but i am refraining myself until autumn as i have killed plants in the past by doing this. We have flattened the vege patch and given it back to lawn as it is too much to maintain when we are not here full time. The funny thing was that after we rotary hoed it and some rain, hundreds upon hundreds of seedlings have popped up, this makes me sad and happy as it shows me what an awsome seed bank that vege patch had/has.Tomorrow with the help of little hands i will transfer many of these seedlings into the new smaller vege patch.
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